Olivia and her best friend have been on the outs for a few days - apparently her friend said some things about Olivia that weren't kind or something and this got Olivia all in a huff and so on. Not something I would normally worry about, as these things usually go away, but as it was persisting over several days and Olivia has been insisting that she wants to uninvite her friend to her party, I mentioned it to the friend's mum (I also had a talk with Olivia about why you can't uninvite someone once they've been invited) in passing.
This morning the friend came with a letter for Olivia, which I felt compelled to share. As neither of those girls read my blog, I'm not too worried about them being annoyed at me for this...
Dear olivia
I am realy sorry about what I said about last year. I did try and sort it out but you just Ran away from me. So I'm realy Sorry about it. my mum had a talk About it and said I should say sorry so that is what I am saying can we be friend's agen? Best wishes
[friend] xxx
p.s. pleas Reply
"oh pleas do".
Spelling and punctuation hers, of course! Olivia hasn't replied yet, but I heard them plotting out what envelope she should use and what paper and when she was going to write the reply, so I think we're fixed now. Whew. Not that I feel compelled to choose Olivia's friends or anything, but these two have been friends since they were tiny and Olivia was really distraught about the whole thing - not to mention, it will be a lot easier if they get along, as the friend will have to be here mornings & afternoons anyway (I childmind her part time)...
Oh, and I forgot to say, the outside of the letter says "To olivia/a sorry letter" on it.