Today was the last day (boo hoo) of the Easter Holidays. And, astonishingly, it was just as gloriously gorgeous as it was yesterday, so we decided to have a trip out* - the Wetland Centre is a nice destination on a day like this and as we are members, it's, while not precisely free, at least pre-paid. It was great, actually - not at all crowded, despite expectations. We decided to take the official guided tour - despite having been members for a number of years we have never done this before - largely because we usually have small children in tow. It was great - nice to go around with someone who is an expert.
We saw a variety of birds - both exotic and common - the kids were, of course, the most delighted with the baby ducks. Although they did also like the cranes.
Here were are watching the sand martins fly back into their nests in the sand martin bank - it astonishes me the speeds at which they manage to fly straight at the bank and into their nest holes without crashing.
We saw a few other animals as well - still haven't managed to see the elusive water vole, but there was a rather nice marsh frog. And we saw a baby slo-worm, which is technically a type of lizard, though it looks like a little snake.
It was a lovely day out - gorgeous weather, and despite some initial reluctance on the part of the eldest child, the kids had a good time...
*when I saw "we decided", what I technically mean is that I decided we should be outside on a day like this, so I put my foot down and told the children that we were going out.
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