Off today for a trip to the zoo - Sarah elected not to come, but Olivia (who requested the zoo) and Alex and I had a lovely day - sun was shining, birds were singing, zoo wasn't very crowded (especially considering it was a sunny day in the half-term holiday)... Here are the two kiddies at the start of the visit inside a giant termite mound model.
Billions of photos were taken (especially since Olivia kept grabbing the camera from me), but the beauty of digital photography is that it doesn't matter - your kids can take billions of photos of animals at the zoo and it doesn't really waste anything, except a little battery life. I've picked a small selection of photos to share - this penguin being a particularly cute example of the ones with sticky-up feathers on their heads. He stood like this for so long without moving, I was beginning to think he was a statue...
We watched one of their animal shows, and this parrot was doing tricks - here he is hanging upside down by one claw. He later hung by his beak alone, but I missed that photo.
The zoo is full of signs - informational, instructive, etc - this was one of my favourites. Not sure what you are doing, but stop it. Or else, maybe it means to stop doing nothing and start doing something?
Probably the best photo of the day here - the heron who wanted to be a pelican.
Alex the meercat...
versus an actual meerkat (if you are in the UK, you will appreciate I have resisted making a "compare the meerkat" joke here. If you are not in the UK, don't ask, it's an ad on telly...).
And here we are at the end of the day, getting ready to take our tired feet home - still sunny, birds still singing (actually, this is right by the big aviary, so many of them were actually squawking), kids still getting along, more or less. Sunny tomorrow too - hurrah!
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