24 October 2010

Birthday day out

For her birthday, Olivia wanted to spend the day with me doing stuff like bowling, eat & shopping, so we headed to Kingston. First to do some bowling (neither of us did well, but I did manage to beat her - so I don't have to suffer the stigma of being beating by an 11YO)...

We then walked over to some shops to do some shopping - passing this mosaic (it continues all the way through the motions of the forward flip, until the figure is standing again - it keeps changing colour as well) on the way.

Another one of my favourite sites in Kingston is the tipped over phone boxes - these have been here as long as I can remember (though I think they moved them slightly at one point) - which is about 20 years.

We had a break in the shopping to have some sushi for lunch...

And even found time to watch a few street performers. A good day out!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I think both you and Olivia had a wonderful day.