13 November 2002

It's remarkable how different kids are from one another, even ones who share parents and styles of upbringing... We went to Ikea today, which Olivia really enjoys now that she's 3, as she can stay in the play area while I do some shopping. The minute we get there, she starts taking off her shoes to get ready to go in. Sarah never would go to something like that without me, and in fact, still won't - when given the option a few weeks ago, she declined. And it's not as though I've approached the whole issue of leaving them places any differently - both went to a childminder from a very early age (6 months or so), for instance. Sarah is getting better about things like birthday parties - she always enjoyed them once she got into it, but it took her a while to warm up - it still does, but it's a lot shorter time than it used to be. As opposed to Olivia, who would be off like a shot the moment we got there. It will be interesting to see what happens with this next one, as he won't have the experience of a child minder at an early age.

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