12 September 2004

Sorry to be a slug about blogging - I do have a good excuse this weekend, though, as I was not near a computer for the entire weekend - more on that later. Kitchen is nearly nearly done now, only we've decided to add one more bit we weren't going to do originally - another unit next to where the tumble dryer is. I had originally thought the counter would be too high to carry on there, but we've decided it would look more finished to go a little further & round the counter off. Also, another unit (small drawers) would be useful. It may be a few weeks before that's sorted, though.

Anyway, both kids and Geoff seem to have survived the weekend without me, which is good & Olivia starts Reception tomorrow, which is also good. She's quite excited, and really, she needs to be back in school - it was quite a long summer break anyway, and for the Reception kids, it's been even longer. And for the parents, too! I'll try to catch up with news & kitchen stuff tomorrow or the next day, but there's still a lot to do putting the house in order & cleaning, as well as other things to catch up with. If anyone finds a place where they hand out extra time, do be sure to let me know, as I could certainly use some...

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