Given how bad I am at update this blog, and given how often I post food pictures and recipes to Facebook, I'm going to try something new for 2012, which is to share those food recipes and pics here (as they will make their way to FB anyway, this way). I 'm not going to do it every day (although I will keep a list of what was for dinner every day in the sidebar, for a month (I've been keeping a list this year anyway) - and do a round up at the end of each month) partly because sometimes, it's just not that interesting. Especially on some weekdays when we have lots of conflicts and end up eating leftovers or everyone just getting something for themselves. But we do eat as a family a lot and are interested in food a lot, so there's a lot of what I consider to be interesting home cooking.
Wherever possible I will provide a recipe, including citation as to cookbook or source, though with magazine recipes I don't always have that info. Hopefully this will encourage you to look out for good cookbooks to try for yourselves! And hopefully it will encourage people to try some new things for themselves and their families... To start with, I'll go back through January and add some recipes and photos, then in future, I'll try to do it on or near the date itself. It should be fun, I hope.
I'll make a note if it's a new recipe we are trying (though I'm not going to blog about the recipes that we didn't really like and aren't keeping) and of course, if there's anything I mention in the sidebar but don't put up a blog post about, just ask and I'll tell you what I can - stuff I cook from memory or make up on the spot, I'm not going to blog unless asked or unless I photograph it for some other reason!
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