27 September 2003

Busy busy busy lately. Birthday party today, which went very well. Assembled a bike, too (well, not quite the whole thing, but had to add the front wheel, handlbars, seat and so on. And to get the front wheel on, had to loosen the front brakes, then tighten them again after. So exciting!), so it's been a busy day. And to top it off, my SMTP server (the one that sends mail) seems to be malfunctioning, so though I can read my messages in my virgin.net account, I can't respond to them. Or rather, I can't get the responses to leave my outbox. Grr. I've contacted them, but if it keeps up, I'll have to use my yahoo address for a while. At least I have internet access. And frankly, it's not as though I really feel much like writing a lot of email at the moment anyway...

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