15 September 2003

Had a lovely weekend. Gorgeous weather here, and went to the quilt show at Hever, where I got to meet in person many of the ladies I knew virtually from my internet quilt block swap group - lots of fun. The girls had a great time, too, as Hever Castle (where the quilt show was) has a water maze and an adventure playground. Olivia of course made it her personal mission to get as wet as possible. Luckily, gorgeous weather, so it didn't really matter.

Today was the first day of my yoga class, and I have discoverd, to no great surprise, that I have no stomach muscles. Only to be expected, I guess, and at least I have the excuse of having had a baby quite recently, but my goodness. At least Lana, who is in the class too and who is pretty fit, was also suffering after a 2 month absence. In fact, quite a few groans were heard all round, which is heartening!

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