11 October 2014

Dinner, 11/10/14: Spinachio Pie, Salad

This recipe is from the Abel & Cole Cookbook. For those not in the UK (or in the UK, but hiding under a rock for the past 10 years) Abel & Cole is an organic box delivery company. We don't get a box, but I did pick up their cookbook in a charity shop recently. Not sure I've cooked from it before, but this recipe looked like a nice change from my usual spinach pie, which is a more standard Greek-style pile with filo pastry and feta cheese. 

Verdict: lovely. Great texture, great spinacy flavour. Easy to make*. According to the recipe, it's equally good cold - I'll let you know after lunch tomorrow, as there are two small pieces left. 

I couldn't find the recipe online, so it's below, but if you are looking for things to do with spinach, there are lots of suggestions on the Able & Kole website which you might like to check out. 

*Top chef's tip:  If you are using the handy hint of egg-white washing the crust after it's been baked blind, be very careful when tipping the dish up to tip out the extra egg-white, because otherwise you might end up with the pie crust landing in many pieces in the bowl of eggs and have to start over again.  Just sayin'. I recommend brushing some egg-white on with a pastry brush instead. 

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