22 May 2015

May Declutter, Day 22: 22 Items, 253 Total

  • (3 items) surplus cords
  • (3 items) a few books to add to my bag for a friend I pass books onto
  • (4 items) a few pairs of earrings I never wear - two going to a friend who likes novety earrings (if she wants them) the other two to the charity shop with the other jewellery
  • (9 items) button cards with cute vehicles on them. Collected back when Alex was very small with the intent of Doing Something With Them. Going to send these to a friend who is much more likely to use them in crafty endeavours than I am
  • (3 items) glue, glitter pots, very fine glitter. Sending the VFG on to aforementioned friend, the other bits are going in the bin (the glue is mostly dried out)

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