19 November 2015

Books in

A few books in, as it's my birthday...  The one below wasn't a birthday present, just a book from my list, ordered to top up a Waterstone's order of something else to make it to the free postage mark (and technically it came in the post yesterday, but who's counting...). The top three are birthday gifts - the Laurie King is the latest in the Mary Russell/Sherlock Holmes series (about the 12th or 13th, I think); the Susan Vreeland is her newest (I've read all the others) and the Wilkie Collins, in addition to being Wilkie Collins, is set in Venice, apparently...

1 comment:

Fishcake_random said...

Hi hun,
I've linked to your blog on today's post. We used some of your crafty bits to make a Partridge in a Pear tree.