18 April 2003

So, 4 days of the Easter holiday down, only a million to go. Ok, not quite, but it feels a bit that way. We've been lucky to have really nice weather so far so that we can do outdoor things (it doesn't stop them from whining, but at least the whines aren't as loud outside) instead of being stuck inside. And there are two bank holidays this weekend, which means that Daddy is home to help entertain the monsters...I mean, lovely adorable children.

My friends and I have a theory that although school is great and we love it when our kids are in school, the problem is that they get so used to having their entire day structured for them, that when they have a holiday they spend the entire time expecting their mums to devise activities for them. Which would be ok, if they would do the things we devise instead of deciding that those activities aren't good enough or interesting enough, and therefore, they're bored [most commonly heard phrase during school holidays: "Mummy, I'm BORED"]. At least my two girls are close enough in age that they can play stuff together. It's usually weird stuff involving sitting on each other's heads or something, but at least they do it together, and usually in another room. Not that I mind doing stuff with them, but sometimes I also need to do things like cook dinner, do washing, clean the house, feed the baby, etc etc etc.

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