21 March 2004

Happy Mother's Day to all you British mothers out there (you Yanks will have to wait until May, I'm afraid). We actually have a little sun here today, this morning at any rate, but I'm sure that will change later and give us back the rubbish weather we've had for the past few days. My kids have been taking a break from their Sunday morning cartoons to wish me a Happy Mother's Day, which in Olivia's case involved an impromptu song sung in the Barbie microphone (this is a tiny microphone (not a working one, I hasten to add) the size a Barbie would use). Then, as she was still in her pyjamas, I suggested she do a getting dressed song, which she took literally, of course, and duly made up. Somehow, I don't think we have an instant hit on our hands (It's getting dressed time/I'm in my pyjamas/my Barbie pyjamas/which are pink/and shiny). Although given the state of pop music today, I guess you never know!

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