08 February 2003

We'll try this again, as he's asleep at the moment. Though given the amount of noise Sarah is making, it may not last long.

We thought he might be coming on Monday, as I thought my waters might be breaking and I was getting some fairly regular (though not very strong or frequent) contractions. So we went in to hospital to have it checked, but it wasn't anything, just Braxton Hicks and all that, so they sent us home again. We were then hopeful that something would happen either later Monday or Tuesday, but nothing did, until around 10.30pm on Tuesday. Luckily, our friends & neighbours who were going to take care of Olivia & Sarah while we were in hospital (if the baby came before my mother arrived for her visit on the 6th) suggested that we go ahead and put the girls to bed at their house, just in case. Makes sense - they'd rather have them unncessarily overnight than be woken up at 3am for some strange reason! So anyway, I went to bed around 10.30 and began having contractions around every 5 minutes - as this lasted for several hours, we felt it safe to go ahead and go to hopsital, and sure enough, when we got there, they determined that this time, it was the real thing and he'd be born at some point. Not that they can tell how long it would be, but at least they didn't send us home!

Anyway, after the various long involved stages of labour (which I won't elaborate on here as I know people of the male persuasion and others who can't handle pain or graphic descriptions of icky things might be reading this) Alex finally arrived at 1130am on Wednesday morning. He weighed 3.61 kilos (that's 7lbs 15oz to those who don't speak metric) and was 58cm long (almost 23 inches). This is longer than Sarah (57) and Olivia (52), and heavier than Olivia (3.3kg) but lighter than Sarah (3.7kg) for those who keep track of these things . Of course, he was earlier than Sarah (41wks) and later than Olivia (38wks) so I guess that's just about right. He's very cute, in my personal unbiased opinion and as soon as there are photos, I'll be sure to share them.

More soon - I'll try to write something small every day or so, but you know how these things go...

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