16 August 2003

Not much happening this week - we've been taking it easy with no huge trips anywhere, just some local stuff. Met up with my friend Debbie (& her mom) for lunch on Wendesday & to discuss (and view & purchase) some fabric to make her a quilt to hang over her bed, which was fun. It involved a trip to G Street fabrics, which I always enjoy, even when I don't get out of the quilting section. Anyway, fabric duly admired and purchased, now I just need to add that quilt to my list of stuff to finish. Which is just far too long. Sigh. But that's ok, wouldn't want to be bored - ha!

Thursday we had a rest day, with just a few local errands, and yesterday we went up to visit Jen at her office. If I was still working, boy would I have office envy. It is really a lovely space, and a lot of thought has obviously been put into making it a pleasant place to work. Of course, this is partly because when there's a crunch, the guys practically live in the office, which would be a drawback for one's personal life (but then, these guys are programmers who write games for a living - perhaps the phrase "personal life" isn't entirely appropriate here). Anyway, we visited - the kids were in heaven because there's a small room full of little kids' toys for when the guys who have kids have them in the office for whatever reason - and then lunched. And had a trip to the quilting shop (that was before the visiting, actually, but who's counting).

Today we're off to my friend Kristen's Dad's house, as he lives near a beach (Severn River). We're going to hang out and eat and do stuff after lunch and I will get to meet her sister's little girl, who's about a year and a half old. Jessy (the sister)'s husband died very unexpectedly a while ago (I think I blogged this when it happened, so if you're a regular reader, you'll perhaps remember), and I haven't seen her since, so it will be nice to touch base. And of course to visit with Kristen herself and anyone else who may come to hang out.

Tomorrow I'm having A Gathering at my mom's house, where all my friends who are available (which is most of them) will come hang out & eat & reminisce and all that kind of stuff. Should be amusing, as it usually is. And everyone pretty much knows everyone by now, even the ones who didn't go to school together, so that will be easy. All very informal, but fun.

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