12 November 2003

Great time Saturday night, as we went down to some friends who live in Haslemere (in Surrey). As it was near Guy Fawkes, we went to a bonfire at a local village to them (Chillingfold) which has a huge bonfire celebration & fireworks. The best fireworks I've seen in ages, possibly ever - who'd have expected it from this little village. But it was a huge turnout, so it's obviously something they're noted for locally. The girls enjoyed it, too. To quote Sarah "I'm going to remember this for the rest of my life". If she's lucky, she will.

I had a virus over the past few days (me, not the computer) - or possibly a bacterial infection, as the sore throat seemed to vanish overnight after the first dose of antibiotics from the doctor & the one skanky, enlarged tonsil (not a pretty sight, I assure you) shrunk back to almost normal size, or at least to the point where I can not only swallow, but do so with relatively little pain. Gosh I love being sick. Not. And it's sure fun to deal with small children when you have virtually no voice - luckily, that was Sunday, when Geoff was there, too. And they were very well behaved, bless them.

Was talking to a friend of mine this afternoon about squandering time in our youths & how nice it would be to get back all that time. Then I spent an hour this evening trying to get the blasted scanner to work & thought about how nice it would be to get back all the time one has spent messing with the computer trying to get it to do what it's supposed to do. If I just had back all the time I'd sat there waiting for a computer to reboot, I reckon I could at least go out for a nice meal or something...

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