18 November 2003

I keep meaning to write more but somehow, the time just goes. Who knows where, but if anyone finds out, please drop me a line and let me know, so that I can go there and get some of it back!

We're all well again, luckily no one even has a cold at the moment, though I'm sure we'll get another batch of them before the winter's through. Inevitable!

I spent the morning doing some Christmas (and other) shopping in Kingston, before the crowds get too bad. I think I'm mostly done now, though. A few more things for Geoff, though as some of those may be of the edible variety, those will have to be last minute purchases. And no doubt a few more for myself, as I usually seem to end up buying most of my own presents (at least I get things I want!) - however, as it's not yet my birthday (tomorrow), I haven't bought those -- I refuse to buy any Christmas presents for myself until after my birthday. I do have a list of stuff I want, so it won't be that hard to do. And my mom has offered to take the girls out to buy their Christmas presents from me, which will save Geoff having to do it.

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