06 April 2008

Bizarre weather

This is what we woke up to this morning - and it's still going, though who knows for how long. You'd never believe it was 17 on Friday and we were all running around in sleeveless shirts.

These views are out of the back bedroom window upstairs.

The kids are outside (Olivia and Alex, anyway - Sarah is off at a friend's house for a sleepover) building an actual snowman - he's not very tall, but he's cute - I'm sure a photo will follow!

The front is a little less covered, as there is a lot of pavement, rather than grass...


Michael said...

I haven't finished my second cup o' joe yet, so it took me a second to figure out why anyone would run around sleeveless if it was only 17 degrees. Good old metric. So by the Bob & Doug McKenzie method of conversion (double it and add 30), it would have been 84 degrees Farenheit on Friday?

Michael said...

Ok, so I added 50 instead of 30. As I said, I hadn't finished my coffee yet... :-)

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