30 May 2008

Scenic Cottage

Today's excursion - a small one - was to a village on Lough Derg which I can't remember the name of - I'll check it with Cathi later... There was a nice castle ruin there, this very scenic cottage, and a good playground - the kids (including Geoff) had a good time and Cathi and I sat on a bench and hung out - she knitted and I chatted. Satisfying all around - particularly for the smalls I think. More photos on flickr - over here with the other general photos from this Ireland trip. I know it's a bit awkward when they aren't labelled, but frankly, if I waited until I had time and energy enough to label them all, you'd never see them...

In other big news, tonight at dinner Alex told us he wasn't going to eat anything hard for a while because it hurt his tooth - I asked which tooth, and when he showed me, we realised that this is because the tooth is a bit wobbly - yup, his first loose tooth. He's VERY excited. It's going to be a while before it comes out, but it's definitely a little wobbly. He seems a bit young, but actually, a lot of kids in year 1 have teeth out, and definitely some in Reception, too.

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