18 June 2014

Alex's room - update

We've got furniture in the room (the bed being finished now) - and no, there's not much space, but it will do - luckily, Alex is a boy and doesn't have a lot of stuff.  There is a dresser and a tall bookcase - we've just sort of put everything on the shelves (as he's away at PGL with school this week), so he may want to rearrange when he gets back!

Here's a view of under the bed - there's a desk space

-  a bit crowded at the moment, as he'll need to sort stuff and put some away in places when he returns.

Under the bed, looking the other direction, is a wardrobe - bigger than it looks, as it's quite deep - we stuck some storage drawers at the back of it, as he only needs about half the hanging space, even with hanging his school shirts...

There's a little bookcase, etc, to the right of and behind the ladder up to the bed. Not luxury, but it works.

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