14 September 2015

Book 92: The Resurrectionists by Michael Collins

I wasn't sure when I began this that I would stick with it, as I found it a little hard to get into the voice of the main character, but actually, this quickly resolved, which is good, as I found I enjoyed the novel quite a bit (if "enjoy" is quite the right word). The blurb on the back of the book tends to approach it from a very thriller/mystery sort of perspective, and though there's some unravelling of the past -and indeed the present- to do, that's not necessarily the gist, but rather the exploration of Frank's life and choices and his relationships with people. Sounds like many other novels, perhaps (not necessarily a bad thing) but added interest here is created because we can't be at all sure whether to trust Frank as a narrator -and an untrustworthy narrator makes for quite an edgy sort of story.

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