26 November 2017

Book 101: La Belle Sauvage, Philip Pullman

This book is the long awaited (by us at least) first book of the Book of Dust trilogy - a companion trilogy to Pullman's original Dark Materials trilogy. I got it for my birthday, and though I did finish the book I was reading, it didn't take long to get stuck into it. I did try to pace myself a little (i.e. not read it all in one sitting), but I admit, it didn't take longer than a few days to make my way through it. I found it very enjoyable, with some interesting new ideas and characters, though I do feel like the Big Ideas of this trilogy (purported to be some discussion on the nature of matter in line with the conversations about Dust in the previous trilogy) are yet to really make much of an appearance. That's not detrimental to the story, or anything, mind you. Of course, now the hard part will be waiting for the next book... Always the way of it. (As though I have nothing else to read, mind you!)

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