05 April 2020

Book 26: A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World, C A Fletcher

Picked this one up entirely on the basis of the title, and liked the premise of the book (most of the people in the world have vanished, and in the small number remaining, the main character goes off in search of a stolen dog).  And what a great story - riveting both in the general (what on earth is going on in this world/what has gone on to bring them to where they are) and the specific (what will happen next, what HAS happened already but we don't know of yet, but which the narrator keeps alluding to, what will happen just after you turn the page), with an interestingly constructed Now & Then premise, essential to making any good post-apocalypse story stand up to scrutiny. A good book to pick up when there's lots of time to read, as you really won't want to put it down. 

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