02 May 2004

Busy weekend here - yesterday we went up to town to see some friends who have a flat near Hyde Park. They have a grandson Sarah's age, and the two of them get on like a house on fire, which is good, though Olivia sometimes feels a bit left out. But they all had fun playing on the playground in Hyde Park & going in a rowboat on the Serpentine with the daddies & grandad, while Guil & I stayed on shore. And Alex. Didn't rain, luckily, though it was overcast all day.

Today was much better weather & we spent much of it just hanging out outdoors either in our own garden or at the park. Olivia had a birthday party to attend, but just in the pavillion in our local park, which was nice. We also visited a friend with a new baby, so a nice restful, local day. Hopefully the weather will be just as nice tomorrow, when we hope to go off to a local craft "fayre"...

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