04 May 2004

Didn't go to the fayre yesterday as it chucked down rain all morning - instead we took the kids to Tiger's Eye, which is a big (indoor) adventure playground. It has quite a nice toddler area as well, which Alex thoroughly enjoyed. And he was totally exhausted - slept for about 4 hours in the afternoon. (Perhaps I should take him more often!)

Kitchens. Honestly. You'd think if you were willing to part with somewhere in the region of £15,000, people would at least get back to you with estimates and stuff. Grrr. Anyway, we decided that we'll explore a few other options - today I've rung a good local builder and asked him to give us a quote (he had already come to quote for closing off the door) for doing the entire kitchen installation. Now I'm off to sit down with the Ikea catalogue and see what the units would cost.

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