30 October 2004

I tried to post this yesterday but for some reason, it wasn't going anywhere...

Well, today's the last day of the half term holiday, so it's back to school on Monday, hoorah. Of course, there are two parties to get through before then - there's a birthday party for someone in Olivia's class tomorrow at Horton Park Farm, which is nice as I can take the other kids and we can just hang around at the farm while Olivia goes to the party. Then there's the Marina Avenue Halloween Party (in the Pavilion in our local park) on Sunday, which should be fun - we decided to get together and have a street party, except not in the street. I'm sure the kids will all have fun, which is the idea, after all.

Went to Kew Gardens today to look at "collections" - part of Sarah's collector badge for Brownies. And also because they have a good display of pumpkins and other autumnal fruits and veg there at the moment. It was nice because as it was sort of rainy (though it never actually rained much) it was quite empty despite being half term. The girls had a great day and barely argued at all, which is pretty good compared to how things usually are at the moment. (We're having a big spate of sibling rivalry or something at the moment - another reason to look forward to school being back in session...) And we found tons of autumnal bits and pieces to use in our autumn decoration we are going to make. Should be fun.

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