06 October 2004

So, what's new? Sarah's party went well, thoroughly enjoyed by both girls and me - which was nice. Olivia's party will be more work, but hopefully that will be fun, too.

I finished painting the kitchen ceiling (2nd coat) and hope today to move on to the dining room - which will only need one coat, thank goodness, as it's just over paint, rather than new plaster. I may not be able to get to it, though, as Olivia is home today - she's fine now, but had one of those lovely throwing up viruses in the middle of the night (why is it always 2 in the morning?), so she's home from school.

Geoff had to take the morning off work, because this was Alex's yearly ultrasound to check on his dud kidney (I couldn't take Olivia even if she wasn't ill) - which appears not to be such a dud after all, as apparently it has grown since last year. It's still a lot smaller than the left one, which is normal, but it did grow, and it grew nearly as much as the left, so the proportional sizes are still similar, which is excellent news. We've got an appointment with the consultant paediatrician next week to go over the results, but I'm guessing they may send us for another DMSA scan to check functionality - before it was at 50 per cent of normal function (i.e. 25 per cent of overall function) - and if it has grown, it may still be contributing similar amounts of functionality. It's good news, though, because if it's growing, even if it's small and oddly formed, there's much less chance they'd want to remove it, and what I'd like to avoid (obviously) is surgery. Alex hated the ultrasound though - fussed the whole way through - but you can't really expect a toddler to do well with these things. Poor chap.

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