23 October 2004

There's probably a new techie type word for people like me - people who start a blog and promise to update it faithfully but then lag farther and farther behind as life gets in the way... But frankly, I'm not young and hip enough these days to know what it is...

Tomorrow is Olivia's birthday, so I'm off to party with a milliondy-seven 4 and 5 year olds at Sutton Arena (a Leisure Centre) - there's one of those indoor climbing adventure playground thingies, which they get to run around for an hour, then we get an area to have food & stuff in, and then, hoorah, they all go home. Should be fun, in a noisy, chaotic kind of way. Next year she's not having lots of people (I think there are about 22 of them), but this year is her year to have a "big party", so I'm stuck with it. At least there's no school the next day (half term holiday next week), so she'll have time to recover. Can't believe she's 5 already!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Hmm.... Someone who starts a blog, promises to update, then lags behind? Gee. I don't know anyone like that. Maybe a new Sniglet needs to be invented?