She has another big change coming up as well - her eyes have been bothering her a little (she complains about them being "smudgy" quite often), so we took her to have her eyes checked, and in a week or so, she'll be getting her first pair of glasses.
Apparently, she is just slightly long-sighted in her right eye, which means her left is trying to do all the work. Children's eyes are still quite "plastic" until about age 7, so the eye doctor said that even when it's only a mild prescription, they do prescribe to very young children, as there's a good chance the eyes may fix themselves, or at least, not get any worse.
She'll have to wear them at school and when reading or watching telly at home, but not when just playing, etc. Luckily, she is happy about this - maybe partly because they are Barbie brand glasses and have pink metal frames... Luckily for her parents, the NHS covers eye tests and glasses prescriptions for children under 16, so her basic glasses & lenses are free - although I did pay a little extra to have them coated with that extra tough coating - I'm sure they'll get some wear and tear! I'll upload another picture when she gets them - she was very disappointed she didn't get to take them home today...
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