08 March 2006

Nobody here but all us chicken carcases...

So I was reading this thing in a magazine with tips for home cooks from well known chefs - most of them fairly sensible, but one of them was not to buy chicken parts, but to buy a whole chicken, as it's better value and you can make stock from the carcase. While in principle I approve of stock-making and certainly do so when I have roast chicken, etc, this little tip got me wondering what planet this chef lives on - must be Planet Much Larger Freezer Than Most People Have. I mean, let's say you are a family of 5 (ok, one of mine doesn't eat much yet, but hey, just for the sake of argument) and you're making tandoori chicken, which you don't want to do with the breast, as it will dry out. So you need at least 3 chicken legs (or 6-7 thighs, even less practical!) - I make that at least 2 whole chickens. And what if you don't have time to make the stock right away? Not only do you have to dismember the bird (which one can learn to do, readily enough, I suppose) but then you have to store the parts you don't need, make stock from the carcase(s) and then store that. What if you want to cook up a mess of chicken wings? Wonder how many chickens I can fit in my freezer...

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