21 January 2003

Not much to report here. Still hanging in there, still waiting for Mr Boy to make an appearance (not that he's overdue, or even due, yet, but you do begin to lose patience with it eventually). 9 Feb is the supposed date, so I guess we could have a running countdown, but if he's late, it would be much too depressing to dwell on just how late. When there's any news on that front, well, you'll be able to read about it here.

Both kids enjoying school, though Olivia is still really tired when she gets home, and therefore slightly emotional sometimes. Today was good, as Lana took Sarah & Thalia to trampoline, so Olivia could be at home with just me and we could do something quiet, like just watch a video and hang out. I think if she could do that every day, it would work well, but of course when Sarah is around, they want to play, and they wind each other up and get hyper. Predictable, but a little hard for her at the moment. Still, I think it will get better as she gets more used to nursery.

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