19 September 2007

We be wireless...

Well, the North household has at last sort of caught up with technology - we now have wireless internet - and it didn't cause me any stress at all, as my friend Lana's lovely husband, who knows technology fairly well and has just finished doing an MBA and is therefore currently not employed came over and did it for us. Hoorah! Now Geoff can bring his laptop from work home and access his VPN, and we can buy a laptop for a second computer this autumn sometime. It even works up in the girls' bedroom; we tested with Rod's laptop. I am a happy bunny. Oh, and did I mention, I didn't have to do anything except make a couple cups of tea and finish my sewing?


Anonymous said...

Nice! I had to install it at my house, lol!! And since I'm no techno supergenius it couldn't have been all bad, lol!!

Now you need your own laptop for living room blogging...

Michael said...

Ok, that's sad. You have wireless internet and I don't? Oh, well... I do have an HD TV. Oh, and Redskins season tickets, too! Did I mention that? :-)

Michael said...

That actually has nothing to do with technology, I'm just excited that we're 2-0!