20 August 2015

Book 83: Dear Irene by Jan Burke

Third in the Irene Kelly series of crime novels, which I am enjoying re-readings. It's been so long since I originally read them, that I don't really remember the details of them, just a sense of the overall plot arc, which is great - it's almost like having a new series to read. The plotting is good, and the characters are interesting. Looking forward to the rest of the series in the coming months. This one sees a murderer write to Irene (who is a newspaper reporter back in the old, pre-internet days - or rather, nascent internet days - it's quite funny seeing what technology was like in what I consider to be the still rather recent past) dropping obscure clues encased in references to Greek & Roman mythology about who he has killed/is going to kill. I didn't remember whodunnit, which was a bonus for me!

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