29 February 2020

February Book Update

This year, I'm just going to keep track of books I read as I go through the year - not worrying about how many books I have waiting to be read or anything like that. So each month's roundup will just be a picture collage showing the books I've read, with a running tally for each month. I think I'll break down new (to me) books and re-reading as well. And maybe pick a favourite each month. This could change as the year goes on... Once again, I'll set my goal as 100 books - it's about what I have time for, more or less.

So, in February:  new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read:  0
Favourite Book in February: Heart of a Samurai by Margi Preus

in January:  new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read: 3
Favourite book in January:  Once Upon a River, Diane Setterfield

  • I read a book I picked up in the charity shop by an author I've enjoyed before (History of the Rain by Niall Williams)
  • I read the second in a series that Alex recommended to me, which I've been enjoying (The Rose Cord, JD Oswald)
  • I read a couple of children's books which I've had in a stack waiting to go to my classroom (Tiger Heart by Penny Chrimes, A Pinch of Magic by Michelle Harrison, Heart of  a Samurai by Margi Preus)
  • I read one book which was passed on by a friend a while back (The Collini Case by Ferdinand von Schirach)
I didn't have as much time as I might have liked for reading this month, despite my week off, as I was involved in a lot of things which required me to deal with them in the evening, which is my main reading time. Hopefully, March will be better.

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