04 August 2007

Sunny day = sunprinting

Finally, it's like summer here. Hot and sunny, that is. Took advantage of this to do a little sunprinting - I still have to do some more for my swap, but at least August looks likely to provide some more opportunities for it. The kids each did a piece and I did three, of which one is pictured here, and the other two on my quilting blog. Sarah's friend Kirsty was still here from sleeping (I use the word loosely) over last night, so she and Sarah worked on one together (bottom right); Alex's is the top right, Olivia's the top left. It was a little windy, so we had some incidents with stuffing blowing around, hence the clarity is less good than it might be. Mine here is just random letters (foam shapes); the other two I did were scrunched and salted, two of my favourite effects.

Now, I am catching up with email a little, Olivia and Alex are in the paddling pool and Sarah is watching a DVD and having a little rest before we have some friends over for a barbecue. Soon I'll start doing a little food - some marinated veggies for kebabs, a plum crumble for dessert. Yum.

Oh, and get this - a knock on the door right before lunch and guess what - it's two guys to deliver the shed. Apparently in whatever alternative universe they inhabit, it's Wednesday today. But I did feel sorry for them - they had been stuck for 2.5 hours on the M25, poor things. And they DID deliver the shed, even carried it into the garden instead of leaving it at the back gate. At least it's here - now if only the concrete lorry can get into the back lane (they couldn't on Friday, due to bad parking at the top of the road), we'll be sorted.

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