02 August 2013

An evening at home

We are doing a real mix of staying in and going out - it's nice to relax and spend time with family for one thing, it's cheaper not to go out every night, and also, the older members of our party get a bit too tired when we do something big every single day.. So today, which was a  staying-in day (aside from our walk to the Post Office this morning) finished up with a nice low-effort dinner - some sausage links, sweetcorn & asparagus, crusty bread, potato salad, and so on. There was definitely not any Mike's Hard Lemonade or Woodchuck Hard Cider being drunk. Definitely not.

After dinner, we played Killer Death Uno (ok, not really, just regular Uno) and half a game of parcheesi - it was getting really late and the game was going on forever and ever and ever, so we stopped!

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