17 February 2015

A Double Pancake Kind of Day

It's not often that Pancake Day falls during the half term holiday - usually it's during the school year, which means that although we can try to slip in pancakes for dessert, it's hard to have them at breakfast. This year, we had a lucky opportunity, which also meant that we could have both kinds of pancakes: the American kind, which are fluffy  and more cakey - in the UK you'd call these either Scotch pancakes or drop scones, probably; and also, the English kind, which are thin and pliable - what in the US (and France) would be called crepes. So we had the American ones for breakfast with various toppings and the English ones for dessert, with butterscotch sauce. Of course, in our house, we probably won't stop eating fatty, rich foods just because it's Lent. But I doubt there will be any more double pancake days for a while...

Alex helped make the American ones for breakfast.

I did most of the making for the English kind, though Alex did practice his flipping skills. No photo of that, unfortunately!

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