22 April 2016

Book 38: Bloodlines by Jan Burke

I always enjoy the books in this series (the Irene Kelly series), and indeed, have read the early ones more than once. According to my reading logs/Goodread/etc, I have read this before (in 2008) but I didn't remember it at all - not even that sort of vague recognition you get when you know you've read something before but don't really remember how it all fits together. Which is fine; it feels like a brand new book, so that's ok.   There are only a few more of them, I think - I have two on my shelf to read before finishing off the series - and as far as I know, that's it.  This one was a little different than some as it tracks a very old mystery at different stages of life in some of the main characters (like Irene's mentor O'Connor, who we never actually meet, as he dies in the first book of the series). I really enjoyed it.

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