17 April 2016

Dinner, 17/4/16: Cauliflower Fritters, Roast Cauliflower Leaves (delicious. magazine)

We had these a while back and thought them excellent, and in light of a recent conversation on Facebook about cauliflower leaves, I have been thinking about cauliflower lately and so decided to do them again.

Cauliflower leaves (and the thicker stem part of the leaves) are all perfectly edible, yet many of us throw them away without even thinking about it. I've used them before in a curry, and a friend recently used them in soup, but this time, I just (after some Googling by Geoff) washed them, trimmed off the really thick ends, sliced them up, tossed them in some olive oil with dill and garlic powder & seasoning and roasted them in the oven for about 20 minutes. They were really nice; next time I might try them with sesame oil and soy sauce, another suggestion. Cauliflower is an amazingly versatile vegetable and so many people never eat it in any other way than with cheese sauce (which, don't get me wrong, is also excellent).

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