07 May 2016

May Declutter: 7 items, 28 total

Even in a world where reusable bags are finally the thing and vendors charge for plastic, we have more reusable bags than any family could use in a lifetime. In addition to the ones bought at various times, it's very trendy to give them away now. Sarah got half a dozen or more in her university search - a few are really lovely strong ones and will be very useful, others are less strong, though I haven't actually got rid of any of those. Yet. Even allowing for sending loads of them off to university with all three of my kids and never getting those back, we have more than we need.  These two sport bags at top are a bit worn and quite small to hold sports gear of larger children, so they can go to the charity shop.  The other bags are very thin cotton reusables; what I'll do with them is save them to put Project Linus quilt tops in, and then just leave them with the Linus Coordinator, rather than need to have them back. It's a start, at least!

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