28 May 2015

May Declutter, Day 28: 28 Items, 406 Total

Can you tell which kitchen cupboard I finally got around to clearing out?

  • (1 item) a pair of rechargeable batteries which no longer hold any charge - battery recycling at the civic amenity centre
  • (2 items) surplus plastic takeaway pot (I have a few - good for when you don't want to have to keep the plastic container; this one is a different size and doesn't stack well); plastic bottle which came with a lunch box which no one ever uses; recycling/charity shop
  • (4 items) lids for which we have no containers - recycling
  • (6 items) books from Alex's TBR shelves which he thinks he'll never read - charity shop
  • (8 items) books I've read  - a friend to whom I pass on books
  • (4 items) plastic pots which don't keep the lids on well; plastic pot with no lid - recycling
  • (3 items) plastic pots surplus to need, these are the older, more battered ones - recycling

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